The Netflix news, Starbucks product, and Taylor Swift TikTok that kept me up all week

We’ve been over this before, but just to refresh your mind, I’m an insomniac. And my insomnia is honestly really bad. 

Most of the time, my anxiety keeps me awake at night. But other times, the most obscure, random thoughts in my mind settle in until I physically can’t think about anything else. It’s not that they’re necessarily bad or negative. They’re just weird. And naturally, I can’t help but dissect them for hours and hours until it’s 4am and I realize my alarm is about to go off in an hour.

Here are the three random thoughts I couldn’t stop thinking about this week. Well, in the middle of the night, to be more precise:

Netflix is finally cracking down on password sharing

You know when you hear some bad news, but it’s something that’s going to happen in the future so you push it off and choose to live in denial for as long as you can? That’s how I felt when I first heard that Netflix was going to start cracking down on password sharing.

Part of the fun of using Netflix is sharing your account with your family and friends. Like Venmo, it’s a non-traditional way to stalk them and see what they’re doing, more specifically what they’re watching, in real time. 

On a more practical level, it’s necessary for survival! I don’t believe anyone who says they can afford their own Netflix account as a post-college, 23-year-old human being. In this economy?! Please.

So, the news that Netflix has officially started kicking people out of shared accounts really shook me to my core this week. It made the disappointing news feel too real. But the headlines are what really riled me up:

Image Credit: Google

Netflix’s crackdown is not “working”!!! Maybe for the company and their subscription numbers, but NOT for their consumers. The everyday people. We are the people!

As you can tell, I’m really worked up about this, but I’m going to fight for my life to keep my access. I don’t even want to think about life without it, because I sure as hell ain't’ paying for it!

Starbucks’ newest beverage is an olive oil latte

Did anyone else hear that taking olive oil shots in the morning is one of the best things you can do for your health? Well, Starbucks apparently has because their newest menu offering is an olive oil coffee:

Image Credit: Starbucks

The product line, Oleato, was founded by CEO Howard Schultz in Italy after being inspired by sun-kissed olive groves in Sicily. It’s basically traditional Starbucks coffee infused with Partanna EVOO. After debuting this February in Milan, the product is now available in other markets including the US and it is going viral. You’re going to see it everywhere if you haven’t already.

Personally, I cannot imagine drinking a tall glass of olive oil. I feel oily just thinking about what it would taste like. Someone, please try it. We will Venmo the first volunteer to buy the drink and return back with a detailed report and final rating. First come first serve!

Taylor Swift is having some good cries on her Eras Tour

Unless you're living under a rock (or not on TikTok, TikTok is the rock), you’ll know Taylor Swift has recently shown a lot of emotion while performing on her tour. Last weekend, she played in Detroit and started crying while playing Breathe, one of her two surprise songs:

Image Credit: @Taylorslavender

The reasons why she is crying are none of our business and we should not spend our time worrying or contemplating all the reasons why. What we can do is read the comments on the videos for a quick laugh, or smile. That’s what I did, and I found the following comment: “Taylor’s allowed to cry. I cry at work too.”

“Taylor’s allowed to cry. I cry at work too.”

I lost it. It’s funny, and really puts things into perspective. She’s so angelic you forget she’s a real human being with real emotions. Also, let’s not forget the fact that performing on a stage in front of 80,000 people is her form of work the same way going into an office is ours. It feels like she’s living another life, on an entirely different planet, so that really shook me.

I sadly am unable to locate this comment, but if you do, tag me. Please and thanks!


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