GIRLBOSSTOWN, a.k.a. Robyn DelMonte, on trusting your intuition, not your anxiety

Honey, wake up! Robyn DelMonte, a.k.a. GIRLBOSSTOWN (GBT), posted a new TikTok revealing that her prediction of Kim Kardashian and Tom Brady came true. Or may have. Perhaps. Allegedly. Who knows.

We’ll be the first to admit she could say anything and we’d get behind it. But there’s more.

Robyn recently guest starred on Peyton Sartain’s Note to Self podcast which made us fall in love with her even more. In the episode, “PR Moves For Your Everyday Life,” Robyn opened up about her wildly successful career which she attributed to her ultra-powerful sense of intuition. “I’m so intuitive that I used to tell people in 2nd grade I was psychic in the sandbox,” Robyn laughed. “I actually had to go to the guidance counselor because people were telling their parents I’d read their palms and say they were going to fail their test.”

“I used to tell people in 2nd grade I was psychic in the sandbox.”

Jokes aside, Robyn’s intuition stems from the fact that she’s very in tune with human emotion. As a content creator, this is an important trait to have as success depends on your ability to connect with your audience. When it comes to her creative process, Robyn’s intuition often manifests in the form of thoughts or ideas about a specific client or project she's working on. “I’ll be in the shower or on a walk and it’ll just come to me like a visual in my head and I'll drop it down in the notes app on my phone,” she said. 

There are times, though, when her intuition leads to more negative thoughts as a result of her anxiety. “I have a lot of intrusive thoughts with my anxiety, so I’m often like, is this my intuition speaking, or is it an intrusive thought?” Robyn explained. “I trust my gut so much because a lot of the things that I have had an intuition about have come true, but that also has a negative because I trust myself so much that I’ll believe my intrusive thoughts and these negative things which is something I’m continuing to work on.” 

 “...I’m often like, is this my intuition speaking, or is it an intrusive thought?”

So, how do you tell the difference between the two? Peyton put it very simply: “For me, my gut instincts are my intuition. It’s almost like a feeling, I will feel it inside of my gut whereas anxiety I feel up here [in my head].” Robyn agreed, adding that anxiety usually provokes a negative physical reaction, while intuition feels calmer. When you feel something in your gut, it’s more likely to be indicative of how you truly feel, versus what your anxious mind wants you to feel in your head. Trust your gut.

When you feel something in your gut, it’s more likely to be indicative of how you truly feel, versus what your anxious mind wants you to feel in your head.

Before this conversation, we always thought intrusive thoughts were just those quirky, impulsive urges you have to do something you know is wrong. After listening to Robyn and Peyton, we’ve come to understand the power of labeling our negative inner voice as an “intrusive thought,” rather than letting it shape our reality and define our worth. Creating this necessary distance between our intuition and anxiety is key to making the best decisions we can for ourselves and our well-being.


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